
Scoring Patti Smith

Catherine Clover, Danae Valenza, Danius Kesminas, Hissy Fit, India Zegan, Jacqueline Millner, John Paul Cretney, Josephine Skinner, Julian Day, Linda Dement, Luke Parker, Maria Cruz, Matthew Hopkins, Mish Meijers, Ron Adams, Tina Havelock Stevens, Tricky Walsh

aural notation/ graphic performance/ lyric equivalence/ language score/ word music / image scripts/ prose gestures/ eye vocals/ affect code/ spoken concrete/ ecstatic registration/

Patti Smith: poet, writer, musician, mythmaker, punk, photographer and icon. Patti Smith’s symbolist-driven lyrics and potent spoken-word performances, along with her recent prose memoirs, Just Kids, Woolgathering and M Train, have made her a reckoning force in music, literature, fashion and the visual arts. In the 1970s Smith’s impervious, androgynous stance, in juxtaposition with her fevered writing and intonation, bridged the image-conscious Warholian avant-garde, the subcultural ardour of the Beats, the dystopian visions of William Burroughs and the DIY culture of punk. Four decades on, Smith continues to hold a unique position of reference in the language and visual cultures we inhabit in the arts.

Much of Smith’s impact has resulted from the energy and the intensity of her spoken-word. It is the performative dimension of her language that this exhibition considers. Traversing the terrain of experimental music, avant-garde performance and concrete poetry, the artworks in this exhibition are responses to Patti Smith’s wielding of words.

November 11, 2015 – January 15, 2016

Curated by Affiliated Text

Photo credits: Felicity Jenkins

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